Leafing through a book on Hitler, I was touched by some of his portraits: they reminded me of my childhood. I grew up during the war; several members of my family perished in Hitler's concentration camps; but what were their deaths compared with the memories of a lost period in my life, a period that would never return? This reconciliation with Hitler reveals the profound moral perversity of a world that rests essentially on the nonexistence of return, for in this world everything is pardoned in advance and therefore everything cynically permitted.
I'd say this is moe indicative of selfishness. What are your own "lost" memories compared to the lost lives, with the potential for richness and variety, of several of his family members.
But in the love poetry of every age, the woman longs to be weighed down by the man's body.
Someone didn't read any Greek literatue.
How does deliberation, consideration an analysi deprive somthing of it's meaning?
How does deliberation, consideration an analysi deprive somthing of its meaning?
There are other people's lives. Those who ignoe history...
To ensure that erotic friendship never grew into the aggres-sion of love, he would meet each of his long-term mistresses only at intervals. He considered this method flawless and propa-gated it among his friends: The important thing is to abide by the rule of threes. Either you see a woman three times in quick succession and then never again, or you maintain relations over the years but make sure that the rendezvous are at least three weeks apart. The rule of threes enabled Tomas to keep intact his liaisons with some women while continuing to engage in short-term affairs with many others.
threw himself into his work with the frenzy of a man of forty beginning a new life.
Being in a foreign country means walking a tightrope high above the ground without the net afforded a person by the country where he has his family, colleagues, and friends, and where he can easily say what he has to say in a language he has known from childhood.
Breaking your word. Don't make eternal promises.
When we want to give expression to a dramatic situation in our lives, we tend to use metaphors of heaviness. We say that something has become a great burden to us. We either bear the burden or fail and go down with it, we struggle with it, win or lose.
We use exprssions of labour. Of work.